
The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club was formed in 1997 and consists of a group of Corvette enthusiasts who live and work on the Grand Strand (Wilmington, NC to Georgetown, SC). We have meetings on the second Sunday of each month, at 5:00pm, at various local restaurants. We conduct Car Shows, have Road Trips to interesting places, participate in other Car Club’s events, and support various community activities. We donate funds generated by our club events to local charities.

Officers and Directors are elected and serve for a two year period. They are responsible for the welfare of the Club. Please feel free to contact them to answer questions or provide input.

Officers and Directors

President: Phil DelCostello Email Phil
Vice President: Linda Pettigrew
Secretary: Sue DelCostello

Treasurer: Kevin Goettl

Membership: Patti Stone

Director At Large: Dwight Taylor

Car Show Director: Ron Migel

Activities Director: Joe DeFrancesco

Vette Gazette Editor: Reese Helms


NCM Ambassador: Dick Lawrence
Sergeant at Arms: Larry Pitarra